Friday, March 30, 2012

Episode 31: Sleep, Who Needs It?

Show Notes:

Finished objects- Surprise surprise, nothing finished, unless you consider the search for my new project to be over!

WIP's- Moonlight Sonata- still going, not quickly though, since I really haven't been able to work on it.

My newest project, the RĂ©allon by Marthe Lecapelain. I am doing this one in Dark Denim I Love This Yarn, a pure, unadulterated... Acrylic yarn. Big woop, I know. But it has cables, so it makes it all better.

Butterfly Monstosity- My crosstitch has once again stalled, but not without a great deal of work done on it. It will be picked up soon, just not at the moment.

I am thinking about my April KAL, and it will be up on Ravlery, barring any huge problems (which is likely since my mozilla hates Ravelry now), before the end of March. I think that's it so, have a great weekend if you are watching before the weekend, and Mum will see you on Monday(or you will see her.)!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Episode 30: Growing up is optional, growing up is mandatory, unfortunately

Sorry for the late upload today guys.  I just could not drag myself out of bed today, I have been managing about 3 hours of sleep a night for the past couple of nights and it finally caught up with me I guess.  Plus blip decided that it wanted to upload the episode super slow today.  Well, I guess that could be the dorm internet connection.
Lots of exiting things happened this week, resulting in a very sore me for a few days.
FO's: Picturesque Capelet
WIP's: Small Talk Shawl
Future projects: A Grey Loop, by Helen G. for my KAL for April. Grab your yarn and needles and start it up so I can get a pattern, and you can too! Thanks for watching, Happy Knitting!

This is SkyZone:our staff outing on Saturday that after 2 hours resulted in us being DRENCHED in sweat, but super fun!  Still provided us with the realization that we are not children anymore that can bounce on trampolines for hours on end though :(

Monday, March 26, 2012

Episode 29 Movie maker is harder than it looks

I had forgotten to show you my new wool.  Next Monday I promise to show it to you.  Hey I'm getting the hand of some things and well the others I'm still working on.  Movie maker is not working for me I know it is me. So maybe I have a week to work on working with the program.  Maybe I will have two things for a surprise next Monday.  Okay I will add show notes later I'm off to teach my class.  Have a great day everyone.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Episode 28: Solo Ramblings

Show Notes:

Finished objects- My pair of socks, what yarn and what colorway, I have long forgotten. But they are done, and I must now find a good project for fire drills.

And technically I finished a preemie hat. But that isn't much to celebrate.

WIP's- One and only one knitting project- the Moonlight Sonata shawl, done in the dark purple Alpaca With a Twist fino. I got a good 3 repeats done this week thanks to a stay in the airport and class time.

Most of my time this week has been taken by my butterfly monstrosity. I know I hadn't picked it up in a while and thats why it got almost all the love this week. It is coming along nicely, got a good amount of progress on it, making the landscape actually start to look like a landscape, not just random color blobs.

And thats it for me. Hopefully this goes off without  a hitch, unlike last week! So, have a great weekend, and we will see you again next week (if Mum will decide to podcast that is).

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Episode 27: Fire Drills, Fire inspections and Fun

I made a mistake while saving it, contrary to the intro, this is actually Episode 27. Oops.
We had a fire drill at 7 am, and shortly after the fire inspector came by, hence the title. You will have to see for yourself what the fun was (a telephone was involved ;)).
WIP's: My capelet, which while parts of it were blocking stunk up my room because its alpaca. And caused me paranoid grief during the fire alarm.
Finished Objects: The Pavonis!!!!! Wooohooo, its done, and its gorgeous!
Starting soon, perhaps some scarves with the yarn I got in a package from home and the hitchhiker, which Mum and Lindsay have already finished.
See you all next week, thanks for tuning in! Happy Knitting.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Episode 26: Last of the Guest Stars

Show Notes:


Finished objects- Citron, the smaller size, which works better as a babushka, as we found out.

WIP's- Gwendolen shawl, in the cappuccino colorway of Cherry Tree hill lace weight yarn.


Finished objects- Hitchhiker- by Martina Behm, which was finished on Tuesday for our March Knit a long.

WIP's- One sock done, and another sock ready for the heel to turn.

My newest project, the Moonlight Sonata, by whom I don't know. It is being knit up in the dark grape colorway of Alpaca with a Twist's fino yarn.

And as for the rest, you shall have to watch and see. If I had remembered the original title for this episode the title would have been different, but it escaped me until it was too late, so the title won't be unconventional headwear, instead it is last of the guest stars. So with that I shall leave you. Have a great weekend and Mum/Knitalittle will see you on Monday. After issues with blip last night, here is the latest episode, a bit late, I know. Later than I though when I wrote this as it turns out.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Episode 25: Happy Pi Day! (AKA, I have no title because it was a blah week.)

Its PI day everyone!!!! This week was kinda uneventful, ad instead of that lovely free time being filled with lots of knitting it was unfortunately filled with mounds of homework.
UFO's: Pavie, almost done though! I'm thinking based on my yarn this is going to have to be my last repeat!
I started the Picturesque cape from Jane Austen knits out of Baby Alpaca, for which I shopped for this weekend. Yarn is absolutely gorgeous, watch to take a look for it! Have a great week, be sure to check us out on Itunes and Ravelry :)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Episode 24: Kids, Dogs, and Podcasting

Show Notes to come tomorrow, I am tired, sorry guys.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Episode 23: Dueling Random

Show Notes:


WIPs- Tangled yoke cardigan, so close, and yet so far. Story of most cardis that aren't all one piece it seems.

Citron- Coming along nicely, now that is has a home all designated.

Me, Lindy-

WIPS- socks, with the airport, I got the heel starting to turn, and should be done relatively soon, hopefully, then I can do the other.

Pavonis- Almost done too, I have to frog a quarter of a row then bind off since my yarn has started to shrink, drastically.

Hitchhiker, by Martina Behm- Both of us will be doing this since we both want to, and when we get with our other 3rd we will see if it will be a knit a long, maybe not, maybe, we don't know. So of you want to knit it along with us, then berate Kathyrn's ravelry mail or with comments to strong arm her into doing it. The yearn we were going to do it in has changed since we recorded, so we will update you all when we cast Monday's pod.

Well, we hope you all have enjoyed us in our jammies, it did go a bit long, and we hope, not promise it will go a bit more succinctly on Monday, but don't hold your breath. Until then, have a great weekend, and I and Knitalittle will see you again on Monday!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Episode 22: Knitting > (school) books

Sorry for the delay in uploading, Blip wasn't being nice to me. It kept rejecting the file so I had to convert it to a different format.
 Finished Objects: Evelyn's sweater! Now I don't feel guilty working on other projects.
 WIP's: Pavonis....slow but steady!
Future projects: a shawl that I'm blanking on the name right now, and the caplet from Jane Austen Knits for Spring Fling later this month.
Be sure to join our ravelry group and our discussions! Thanks for watching!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Episode 20: Martian Karaoke

Show Notes:

WIP's- Socks, still. A few rows done, but not many. It is officially going in my school bag so it actually gets some love this coming week.

That brings me to good ole Pavvie. We are down a pavonis with Mum winding it back up and leaving the rest of us high and dry, but mine is still going nicely. I only got a glorified few rows done, but it is going on the plane with me on Thursday, so I should get some good pavvie time then. Until then it is now on my desk.

Finished object- For once I have something to put here!! I finished Plucky, on Tuesday morning, which I can say was a really nice feeling. It was starting to enamor itself with me, and I was slightly reluctant to cast off the final sleeve. But it looks really nice on, so I guess it was worth it.  

Other than that, nothing much else to report, except some rather unexpected events. So until next week, have a nice weekend, and Mum will see you on Monday.