Saturday, November 19, 2011

Another Week

As you can see, I wasn't eaten by my art history paper, thankfully, what a terrible way to go (akin to getting hit by a bus or something). The deadline was pushed back a week, but I finished it and turned it in before the original deadline. I had enough stuff to do over the break, and it was finished (knowing me I wouldn't have changed it in the week it would have sat on my hard drive) so hopefully it will get graded soon and I can see how I did.

This was a rather nice week, even after a rather rocky start. Monday I was so exhausted it felt like a Friday and Tuesday was not much better. But on Wednesday two out of three of my classes were cancelled and I got a surprising amount of work done before class at 2:30. Fridays I only have two classes, both of which were cancelled again, so yesterday I had off, and again got a fair amount done. So now if I can get my bunnies in gear I can get my stats homework out of the way as well as my french before the weekend and I can consider it a productive weekend. Not holding out any hope though.

Knitting, ah yes, well it has been two weeks since I started looking for another pattern, and today that search has come to an end. I found a simple shawl pattern with my name written all over it. So hopefully it will take long enough to last through the semester. Dad's vest has one more sleeve edging to go, Justin's sweater is finally done, but the tags are going to wait till I get home to see if it will actually fit or it may be a mad scramble to finish up before Christmas. And atop all that, my preemie hats total climbs to seven.

Busy week on campus here. ESPN's game day came and broadcasted live for the first time in school history it seems. Apparently this is a big deal. Shows how little I know. I guess we have to be 10 and 0 to be recognized as a good team, and as a cherry to top it all off, we managed to beat SMU also, so we are still undefeated. Seemed like a dull game from what the internet was telling me so I'm glad I opted to stay in the dorm this afternoon.

Oh and another tale from the antiquated dorms. Tuesday I was greeted by no hot water. Always a nice occurrence at quarter to six in the morning. Sets the day well I think. And the residence halls association had the great idea not to tell us about this problem before my face was all soaped up and before it was too late to skip the shower. So a freezing half shower it was. Totally killed my Tuesday.

So next week is Thanksgiving, if you didn't already know. And it seems as though my three days off will be filled with a paper for intro to fiction, some stats homework, art history studing, adn french oral presentation studying. Oh and delightful meals consisting of ready to eat, no refrigeration, just add water and zap in the microwave meals. And maybe some fruit that I can swipe from the cafeteria. Lovely right? So as you are gathered around the lovely feast before you, and you go last saying what you are thankful for, and all the good ones are taken, you can think of me and say you are thankful it isn't ramen in front of you!


  1. Lindsay I'm racking my brain and I don't know what I can do to help. You should at least suffer with left overs. Okay kiddo when you come home for Christmas we will have turkey with all the trimmings. love and miss you kiddo

  2. You are on. Hot turkey sandwiches the next day, one of the best things about Thanksgiving. And your bread stuffing, so good. And I am putting in my order now, cake mix rolls for Christmas. I will even help make them, like that was ever not a possibility. Dry ice whatever the kids don't eat, I'll willingly take one for the team!
