By morning I was just watching the clock tick would you get to 8:00 so I can take Justin in to see the doctor. Tick please you are taking tooooooooo long. Then like an alarm 8:00 I was off with Justin in tow.
No I won't wait he is having an asthma attach.
Smart girl behind the reception desk didn't try to jerk me around just went and got a nurse.
Okay I like the nurses at our Doctors office. They are quick and know their stuff. Breathing treatment with in 5 minutes and they try and measure his pulse oxygen level....toooooo low.
Two hours later, two treatments later, oxygen treatment and 10 games of tic tack checkers ( don't ask how may games I won because I won't tell) later and he is out of danger. He now lays on the sofa sleeping his breathing is labored but he sleeps and I can breath again.
Pictured above is Justin helping unload popcorn not even a week ago. Funny he is always the first to help. He is a joy to be around.
Never never take the simple act of breathing for granted.
Hugs to Justin for me please. And for whats is worth, things haven't been easy breathing here either. Thank goodness for inhalers right?