So small I can't get the thought that a baby that has a head no bigger than a light bulb has a chance to grow up and have a healthy life. Years ago, heck when I started knitting these hats some 10 years ago a baby less than a pound didn't have a very good chance and didn't live very long.
Why am I so close to this cause knitting for preemies.....why isn't every knitter passionate about knitting for preemie babies? Since I have started knitting for preemies I have met some out standing knitters and crocheters. People taking knitting needlesa, or crochet hook, soft yarn and create some of the most beautiful preemie hats that truly help a baby born to early. I am so proud to be counted with preemie knitters who care. Yes I care so much I have joined with a couple friends and my oldest daughter to create a group called "Beanies for Preemies" We can be found on Facebook and on ravelry and here.
Knitting for preemies is so worth while you won't regret giving of yourself or you time.